Constructor University Bremen х CultTech Association
CultTech Camp
24 – 28 April 2024 | Bremen, Germany

Challenging Tech and AI:

Mapping the interests of scientists and creative professionals in the future use of technology
to enhance creative processes, knowledge production and dissemination.
Constructor University Bremen х CultTech Association
CultTech Camp
24 – 28 April 2024 | Bremen, Germany

Challenging Tech and AI:

Mapping the interest of scientists and creative professionals in the future use of technology
to enhance creative processes, knowledge production and dissemination.
The CultTech Camp programme focuses on new approaches to integrating technologies (and AI in particular) into culture and education.
And vice versa.

We are looking for ways to make technology-enabled solutions more critical, accessible, engaging, value-based and user-friendly.
We aim for science and technology to be more human-centered and culturally oriented.

We invite twenty renowned creative professionals and scientists to meet, learn from each other and reflect together on what technology & culture can offer each other.
Consequently, collaborative project prototypes are expected to emerge, evolving beyond the Camp.

expected Camp outcomes
  • Identify mutual needs of culture and technology, which will lay the foundation for educational programs tailored to both technical and creative actors.

  • Prototype CultTech projects co-authored by creatives and scientists, aimed at further development and presentation in the CultTech arena and beyond.
Participants - Creative Professionals
Creative professionals from various spheres who will share their experience with the scientists to identify the new challenges
  • Brigitta Muntendorf
    Composer, photo © Frederike Wetzels
    As a composer I create a multi-layered web of analog-digital modes of expression. My settings range from instrumental, choral, and orchestral music to transdigital music/dance theater, currently my main focus is on new musical-spatial narratives and formats through 3D Audio.
  • Painé Cuadrelli
    Sound Designer and Music Producer
    I am a sound designer and music producer involved in multimedia projects, and also Coordinator and professor of a Sound Design course at Milan's Istituto Europeo di Design. I am interested in the intersections between arts, technology and culture.
  • Dmitry Gutov
    I am interested in contemporary art and art history.
  • Kerem Ozan Bayraktar
    Artist and Academic
    Kerem Ozan Bayraktar is an artist and academic based in Istanbul. He creates site-specific installations, prints, digital animations, texts, diagrams, and presentations exploring the intersection of ecological, cultural, and technological systems.
  • Gian Maria Tosatti
    I'm a visual artist mainly focused on ambient installations. Architecture is the medium I work in order to create an experience of the space that can be considered like a performative action of the visitor.
  • Semion Aleksandrovskiy
    Theater Director
    I am interested in art that creates new rituals, invents new ways of communication and offers more advanced forms of interaction that can be safely experienced in the territory of art.
  • Elena Revich
    I am an academic musician, violinist, interested in the relationship between classical music, visual arts and AI technologies, as well as medicine for human support, psychological stabilisation and rehabilitation, for a positive influence on mental and physical health.
  • Ana Nedeljkovic and Nikola Majdak
    Digital Arts
    Ana Nedeljković is a visual artist, director, animator and educator. Nikola Majdak Jr. is a freelance cameraman, animator, director and lecturer. They are professors at the Faculty of Digital Arts in Belgrade, teaching several subjects related to animation. They have also initiated and conducted numerous educational programs and animation workshops, primarily for children and young adults. They believe that animation is a powerful tool for addressing important social and political issues today.
  • Esther Bol
    I'm a playwright. I put into this word the notion that I try to create structures and collisions that reflect some processes that take place in modernity and time in a broad sense. The structures are constructed, but they have real (my) blood flowing through them. I would add here that I treat inspiration as a kind of external(?) help in super-fast and successful, sometimes unconscious(?), search of an infinite number of variants (big data).
  • Maksim Isaev
    Artist, theatre creator
    From 1996 together with Pavel Semtchenko he started to work as a director and creator for the Engineering Theater AKHE and moved the group more to the theatre world. He paints the pictures, interested of connections between theatre, literature and real life as well as about transformations “signs” in different art’s levels.
Participants - Scientists
Scientists who are interested in sharing knowledge with the creative professionals to overcome the new challenges
  • Natasha van Horsten
    Postdoctoral Researcher
    I am a postdoctoral researcher at Constructor University, focused on marine trace metal biogeochemistry research. Iam currently focused on the redox speciation of chromium across the equatorial and south Pacific ocean, looking at varying boudary layers and how inputs affect the observed redox speciation throughout the water column.
  • Francesco Maurelli
    Professor in Robotics
    I am a professor in robotics at Constructor University, with past research experience in the USA (MIT), Germany (TUM, Fraunhofer IAIS), UK ( Heriot-Watt University). I am passionate about autonomy in robotics systems, spanning from intelligent decision making to sensor data processing.

  • Julia Secklehner
    Art Historian
    I am an art historian, focusing on Central European art and visual culture in the twentieth century. My current project at Constructor is about women's photographic networks in Austria, Hungary and Czechoslovakia, 1928–1948.

  • Dmitry Vetrov
    Professor in Computer Science

    I am a professor in Computer science. My area of interests are probabilistic models (in particular diffusion models) and deep neural networks in general.
  • Grigorii Vydrevich
    Physics Student
    I am a Physics student with a keen interest in Machine Learning for advancing Material science. I am passionate about developing practical education, aiming to help everyone find their own path.
  • Andrey Ustyuzhanin
    Research Group Leader
    Developing and applying new AI methods to solve scientific challenges. I lead a group of researchers at NUS, Singapore and CUB, Bremen.
  • Anna Tevyashova
    Professor in Medicinal Chemistry
    I'm a professor in medicinal chemistry, my passion lies in exploring the world of antibiotics, seeking innovative solutions to tackle microbial resistance and contribute to the advancement of medicinal science.
  • Egor Shibaev
    Computer Science Student
    I am a Computer Science student currently pursuing my Bachelor's degree. With a strong foundation in computer science, I have developed a keen interest in the field of Machine Learning.
  • Andreas Martin Lisewski
    Academic Researcher
    Academic researcher interested in complex systems, ranging from infectious diseases to philosophical questions of AI and virtual reality.
  • Ildus Sadrtdinov
    PhD student in Computer Science
    I am a PhD student in Computer Science in Constructor University. My professional interests include Deep Learning, more specifically, how and what do neural networks learn during training.
  • Irina Riznychok
    Art Historian
    I am an art historian focused primarily on late Soviet visual art. I worked as a curator at the Ekaterinburg museum of Fine Arts. Currently, I am pursuing my research on Soviet nonconformist art at Constructor University.
  • Petr Popov
    Computational chemist
    I am a computational chemist interested in understanding the field where the creative professionals want to work and the challenges they are currently facing.
  • Alexander Shabalin
    PhD student in Computer Science
    I'm the PhD student in Computer Science and my research in dedicated to text diffusion models. I also teach Machine Learning at Constructor university.
  • Timofei Iuzhakov
    I am researching the best ways to train neural networks. I want to understand why and how artificial intelligence works
  • Radwa Khalil
    I am a neuroscientist passionate about understanding the factors that facilitate expressing our hidden talents.
  • Nikolai Kuhnert
    Analytical Chemist
    I am an analytical chemist interested in the chemistry of food. We would like to know what we eat (which molecules) and what these molecules do to us as humans in terms of health benefits, control of moods and feelings and influencing thought and creativity.
  • Evgeny Terukov
    Professor of business practice, moderator
    I am a professor of business practice in change management and a moderator of strategic sessions. My work at Constructor Knowledge and other educational institutions is to design and deliver transformational educational programs at the intersection of technology and business. I am passionate about changes with a broader impact reaching outside the boundaries of specific organisations and institutions. I am also passionate about creating environments for dialogue and development.
Camp Schedule

Hotel: Atlantic Grand Hotel Bremen, Bredenstraße 2, 28195, Bremen.

Google Maps

Campus: Constructor University, Bremen gGmbH

Campus Ring 1, 28759 Bremen

Google Maps

24 April, Day Zero
16:10 – 16:50
16:10 – 16:50
THE University Summit. CultTech Session
"CultTech: Paving the future of education through culture and technology"
Sir Kostya Novoselov, Nobel Prize winner, physicist and artist,
Pierre-François Marteau, CultTech association Board member,
Kate Daudy, artist,
moderator - Nickolas Dirks, President and CEO, The New York Academy of Science

The session will explore new partnerships between universities, cultural institutions and creative industries to open new doors to arts and technology integration. CultTech is an important instrument within universities – societal collaboration, born out of inspirational tech and art projects, can create new opportunities for innovation and partnership.
19:00 - 22:00
19:00 - 22:00
CultTech Camp opening dinner, (Restaurant Ratskeller, Am Markt, 28195 Bremen, Germany)
25 April, Day One. Setting the stage for CultTech
6:30 – 9:00
6:30 – 9:00
Breakfast at the Atlantic Hotel, (Bredenstraße 2, 28195), for participants not from Bremen.
9:00 – 9:30
9:00 – 9:30
Transfer from hotel to campus (for participants not from Bremen)
9:30 – 11:00
9:30 – 11:00
Tour at the campus (for participants not from Bremen)
11:00 – 13:00
11:00 – 13:00
Flash Foresight Session on CultTech
  • Introduction and Principles: Brief overview of flash foresight methodology, emphasizing the principles that the future depends on our actions, it's shaped by our will and determination, and while it can't be predicted, we can prepare for it.
  • Working with Time Maps in groups: pre-designed canvases and cards with trends in CultTech allow to spark an open and creative discussion in small groups about the future of CultTech and each participant’s aspirations and possible impact in the field through their projects and research.
  • The structured discussion allows us to both envision the future and to establish an active role for each participant in making this future emerge.
13:00 - 14:00
13:00 - 14:00
Lunch (Campus Canteen)
14:00 – 16:00
14:00 – 16:00
Flash Foresight Session on CultTech (continued)
  • Plenary Sharing and Discussion: groups share their insights and roles from the previous discussion, fostering a collective vision of future opportunities and challenges in CultTech as well as projects and possible impact of each participant.
  • Final thoughts: CultTech competencies both for creatives and scientists and how we can build on each other’s strengths and create bigger impact through joint projects
16:00 - 18:00
16:00 - 18:00
Speed ideation session "What am I passionate for"
The Speed Ideation Session is an interactive and dynamic part of the CultTech Camp designed to rapidly ignite collaborative sparks between participants from diverse creative and scientific backgrounds. In this session, each participant is given a time (from 3 to 7 minutes) slot to present their core passion, a recent project, or an innovative idea that lies at the intersection of culture and technology. Slides are optional. If you prepare slides, please send them until EOD 24.04 in .pptx or Google slides format.

Following these mini-presentations, participants engage in a series of quick one-on-one discussions, mirroring the speed dating format. Each pair has 5 minutes to explore potential synergies, ask questions, and discuss ideas on how their passions and projects might intersect or complement each other in the context of cult tech.

18:00 - 18:30
18:00 - 18:30
Transfer to the Atlantic Hotel (for participants not from Bremen)
Takeaways of the day:
  • interests map improvement
  • ideas on the educational programs gathered
  • participants get to know each other and start defining collaborators for the next days
26 April, Day Two. CultTech projects Hackathon
6:30 – 9:15
6:30 – 9:15
Breakfast at the Atlantic Hotel (for participants not from Bremen)
9:15 – 9:45
9:15 – 9:45
Transfer from hotel to campus (for participants not from Bremen)
10:00 – 11:30
10:00 – 11:30
Feedback Session and Team Formation
Starting with reflections on the previous day's insights, participants will form teams based on shared interests and complementary skills. This session is designed to catalyze the initial stages of collaborative project development.
11:30 – 13:00
11:30 – 13:00
Workshop on Project Planning/Prototyping
  • A hands-on workshop guiding teams through the process of ideating, planning, and beginning the prototyping of their CultTech projects. Utilizing methodologies like the business model canvas, teams will clarify their project's value proposition and initial design.
13:00 - 14:00
13:00 - 14:00
Lunch (Campus Canteen)
14:00 – 18:00
14:00 – 18:00
Project Development
  • Teams work intensively on developing their projects, with facilitators providing targeted support. Focus on ideation phase and first pitch of the project.
18:00 - 18:30
18:00 - 18:30
Transfer to the Atlantic Hotel (for participants not from Bremen)
Takeaways of the day:
  • each participant has a partner(s) to work on a project;
  • the initial ideas of each team’s project is defined, projects are ideated and described.
27 April, Day Three
Teamwork, Constructor University

  • Finalizing ideas and working on projects in teams
  • Closing Party
7:00 – 9:15
7:00 – 9:15
Breakfast at the Atlantic Hotel (for participants not from Bremen)
9:15 – 9:45
9:15 – 9:45
Transfer from hotel to campus (for participants not from Bremen)
10:00 – 11:30
10:00 – 11:30
World Café session (projects internal pitches)
After spending the day developing and refining their projects, participants present their concepts at different “stations”, each representing a unique project. "Attendees" (Camp participants) rotate among tables, engaging with the presenters, offering feedback, and exploring synergies between various ideas. This dynamic setup encourages deeper understanding, fosters a sense of community, and leverages the collective wisdom of the group to enrich each project, setting the stage for more polished and informed final presentations.
11:30 – 13:00
11:30 – 13:00
Project development
  • Teams work intensively on developing their projects, with facilitators providing targeted support. Focus on planning phase
13:00 - 14:00
13:00 - 14:00
Lunch (Campus Canteen)
14:00 – 16:00
14:00 – 16:00
Project Development
  • Teams work intensively on developing their projects, with facilitators providing targeted support. Focus on prototyping phase
16:00 – 18:00
16:00 – 18:00
Project Development
  • Teams work intensively on developing their projects, with facilitators providing targeted support. Focus on pitch rehearsals and MVPs (minimum viable product)
18:00 - 18:30
18:00 - 18:30
Transfer to the boat
19:00 - 21:00
19:00 - 21:00
Dinner on a boat with invited guests
21:00 - 21:30
21:00 - 21:30
Transfer to the Atlantic Hotel (for participants not from Bremen)
Takeaways of the day:
  • each team has a ready-to-pitch project

28 April, Day Four. Finalizing the camp. Lessons learned and way forward.
7:00 – 9:15
7:00 – 9:15
Breakfast at the Atlantic Hotel (for participants not from Bremen)
9:15 – 9:45
9:15 – 9:45
Transfer from the hotel to Campus (for participants not from Bremen)
10:00 – 11:30
10:00 – 11:30
Final Project Presentations
Teams present their CultTech projects to other camp participants and guests. This session highlights the innovative outcomes of the camp, showcasing the collaborative efforts and potential future impacts of the projects developed.
  • Project assessment. Each participant and guest will put a hat of an “investor” with some virtual money to be distributed among the projects
  • At the end we will collect a “rating” of all projects depending on the “virtual capital” they have raised during the pitch from “investors” based on 3 criteria: 1. Impact; 2. Originality; 3. Feasibility
11:30 – 13:00
11:30 – 13:00
Discussion and Next Steps
  • A guided discussion on the camp's outcomes, participant feedback, and the planning of future initiatives. This session aims to map the path forward for projects and the ongoing collaboration within the CultTech community.
Departures for the airport
Campus Ring 1
28759 Bremen, Germany

CultTech Association, Vienna
Constructor University, Bremen